Our Stories

Read how dreams have come true with the help from people like you.

Overcoming Doubt and Making a Difference

Instead of allowing doubt to paralyze us, we can choose to embrace it as a catalyst for action. We can recognize that every small step we take, no matter how insignificant it may seem, has the potential to create ripple effects of positive change. Whether it's volunteering our time, raising awareness, or advocating for those in need, each of us has the power to make a difference in the world.

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Building Dreams, One Brick at a Time: Freedom Tree's Journey to Construct an Elementary School in Bhlama

Ever wondered why Education is a fundamental human right, yet millions of children around the world are still denied access to quality schooling. By supporting the construction of the school in Bhlama, you’re helping to change that. Your contribution isn’t just about building a school—it’s about empowering entire communities and creating lasting change.

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Honoring Motherhood: Join Us in Making a Difference this May

Motherhood can be hard. There are challenges and rewards with motherhood, which is an universal experience shared by mothers worldwide. However, we shed light on the stark reality faced by many mothers in Sierra Leone, where maternal and infant mortality rates are alarmingly high. Freedom Tree’s mission is saving lives and empowering mothers and families in Sierra Leone. Every contribution is creating lasting change and ensuring a brighter future for mothers and their children.

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Freedom Tree Fundraiser in Calgary, April 29th

Hello Friends, this year a team of teachers from Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Eugene Oregon are headed to Sierra Leone to support Freedom Tree’s education initiatives. To support this project please join us for a fundraiser night.

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Do You Know What Female Genital Mutilation Is?

FGM, in every form, is a violation of girls’ and women’s fundamental human rights, including their rights to health, security and dignity.

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Spring Cleaning is Good for the Soul

A new year is an opportunity, maybe we can’t change everything about our lives or expect this change to last forever. But maybe we can put in a little effort and clean some of the dust off of our life and feel renewed and empowered in our living space.

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A New Year

A new year always marks a time for reflection; reflecting over how far we’ve come together and where we still need to go. 

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Grieving the Possibilities

I am so inconsolably heartbroken as I write this. A very kind young woman I met during my recent trip to Sierra Leone died giving birth

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Meet Christian

We met Christian recently when we were visiting his village. He handed me a well written note explaining the circumstances in his family; it was quite a tragic situation that left him unable to attend school anymore.

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Although we still have a long way to go before seeing the end of maternal and infant mortality in the country, the work we are doing within Freedom Tree is making a massive impact thanks to you! I had the opportunity to visit the very first clinic Freedom Tree built 8 years ago

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A Matter of Legacy

For many people, the pandemic and the last 70 years have been been made easier by a woman who has been a beacon of stability and hope, Queen Elizabeth II.

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New Day, New Opportunity

They say that spring brings renewal seen in the summer. For the summer of 2022, we are looking to

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