Meet Christian

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

We met Christian recently when we were visiting his village. He handed me a well written note explaining the circumstances in his family; it was quite a tragic situation that left him unable to attend school anymore.

Despite this, Christian has been sneaking into class with no uniform, no shoes, no books and even borrowing a pen to take his exams.  And with those barriers he still managed to get the highest grades in his province. Incredible!

We were so moved with this exceptional young man, his commitment, determination, and resilience that we decided to added him to our scholarship program.  Here he is with Annie, who oversees our entire education program. This scholarship will be an instrumental step on his way towards his dream of becoming a lawyer.

So thank you for continuing to support Freedom Tree! Our health programs, our education programs are all about building for tomorrow and helping spread joy in December. It is your generosity that helped Christian smile again and get back to excelling in his education. We are grateful if you kindly consider contributing to our “Joy in December” campaign to make more success stories like like Christian.

This holiday season, join the People Movement. To learn more about Freedom Tree, our work, our communities, and our why or to get involved with the making a lasting change in Sierra Leone, please visit:

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas from everyone at Freedom Tree!

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